
Fire Safety Education Blog

Community outreach is highly important to not only fire departments, but every company and non-profit organization. It builds credibility, increases social presence and increases the overall goal your department has (in this case, decrease fires and injuries).

As you know, winter is coming! With winter brings an increase in home fires due to home heating, candles and more. Raise awareness and show that your community can rely on your department during the winter season by participating in an event or two! Below are some examples of how your department can get involved this holiday season:

Install Free Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Fireplaces, stoves and home heating are several ways on how CO fumes can build up during the winter months. Instead of handing out free smoke detectors (like the American Red Cross “Sound the Alarm” event), hand out free carbon monoxide detectors! Come up with a catchy name, set aside a weekend and visit households with volunteers to install detectors. Families with young children and the elderly would especially benefit from an event like this as they are more likely to get sick from CO.

Be Involved in New Year’s Eve Party

If your community has an end of the year, New Year’s Eve party or event where fireworks are involved, be present! Fireworks always brings in the crowds, and they also happen to be a fire hazard. Being trained professionals, your fire department would add a sense of safety at the event. Your department could even host in a barbecue and ask for donations.

Join the Holiday Parade lineup

Does your community host a holiday parade? Get involved! Parades are a great way to become more engaged with your community while promoting fire safety.

Whether this list applies to you or not, one thing is certain: community involvement, even a small amount, is extremely important. As the U.S. Fire Administration states, visibility is crucial not only for department growth, but also for its survival. 

As always, if you need additional resources or handouts for any upcoming community holiday events you plan to be a part of, we want to help! We have lots of holiday, candle and carbon monoxide products to choose from:

As always, if you have any questions or need advice feel free to call us at (877) 329-0575!

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